
Pressed cardboard

Preskartons ir izturīgs un ekonomisks būvmateriāls, kas plaši tiek izmantots gan būvniecībā, gan iepakošanā un dekoratīvajos projektos. Tas sastāv no vairākām cieši presētām papīra kārtām, kas nodrošina izcilu izturību un stabilitāti. Pateicoties tā daudzpusībai, preskartons ir piemērots gan iekštelpu, gan ārtelpu konstrukcijām, tostarp sienām, starpsienu veidošanai, griestiem un grīdām. Šis materiāls ir viegli apstrādājams, ļaujot veidot dažādas formas un izmērus, kas ir svarīgi personalizētiem projektiem. Turklāt, bieži vien tas tiek ražots no pārstrādātas papīrmasas, padarot to par videi draudzīgu izvēli. Preskartons ir ideāls risinājums gan profesionāļiem, gan mājas meistariem, kas meklē izturīgu, bet ekonomiski izdevīgu materiālu saviem projektiem.

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Corrugated Cardboard: Universal Building Material for Your Projects


Corrugated cardboard is one of the most widely used materials in construction and design. Its universal properties and cost-effectiveness make it an excellent choice for both small and large projects. In this article, we will explore why corrugated cardboard is so popular and the advantages it offers to both amateurs and professionals.

What is Corrugated Cardboard?

Corrugated cardboard is a thick, durable type of cardboard that consists of multiple layers of paper pressed together. The density and strength of this material vary depending on its thickness and quality. It is available in various sizes and thicknesses to meet different construction and design needs.

Uses of Corrugated Cardboard

1. Construction

Corrugated cardboard is ideal for both indoor and outdoor construction projects. It is often used for walls, partitioning, as well as ceiling and floor structures.

2. Packaging

Due to its durability, corrugated cardboard is an excellent choice for packaging and transporting heavier objects, providing safety and protection.

3. Art and Decor

Corrugated cardboard is also a popular material for art and craft projects, as it is easy to cut and shape to create various decorative elements.


  1. Durability: Corrugated cardboard is strong enough to withstand various loads, making it a safe choice in many construction situations.

  2. Cost-effective: Compared to other building materials, corrugated cardboard is cost-effective, making it accessible to a wider range of users.

  3. Easy to work with: Its ease of handling allows for convenient customization of dimensions and shapes, which is important for personalized projects.

  4. Environmentally friendly: Corrugated cardboard is often made from recycled paper pulp, reducing waste and environmental pollution.

How to Purchase Corrugated Cardboard?

If you are looking for quality corrugated cardboard, visit Our online store offers a wide range of corrugated cardboard options to meet any requirements, from simple DIY ideas to complex construction projects. We provide various sizes and thicknesses, as well as professional assistance to help you choose the most suitable product.


Corrugated cardboard is an excellent material that can facilitate and enhance the development of various projects. Its durability, cost-effectiveness, and versatility make it a smart choice for both DIY enthusiasts and professional builders. When purchasing corrugated cardboard from, you will receive not only a high-quality product but also professional service and support.

*Translated using automatic translation tool