
Diffusion films

Būvniecības projektos īpaši svarīga ir pareiza jumtu izolācija, tāpēc difūzijas jumtu plēves tiek plaši izmantotas, lai aizsargātu būves no mitruma un nodrošinātu ilgstošu komfortu. "" interneta veikalā ir pieejama plaša difūzijas membrānu klāsta izvēle, kas piedāvā kvalitatīvus risinājumus jebkura veida jumtam. Difūzijas jumtu plēves ir būtiskas, lai aizsargātu būves konstrukcijas no laika apstākļu ietekmes, tai skaitā lietus un sniega, nodrošinot, ka mitrums var brīvi izgarot no siltumizolācijas materiāliem, bet vienlaikus neļaujot ūdenim iekļūt iekšpusē. Tās ir nepieciešamas gan jaunu jumtu ierīkošanā, gan vecu jumtu renovācijā, un "" piedāvājumā varat atrast specifiskas difūzijas membrānas atbilstoši jūsu projektu prasībām un vajadzībām. Ar augstas kvalitātes plēvēm jūsu jumts būs pasargāts gan no vēja un mitruma, gan no nevēlamās kondensācijas veidošanās. Iegādājoties difūzijas jumtu plēves no "", jūs iegūstat uzticamu partneri savam jumtam, nodrošinot tā ilgtspēju un efektivitāti.

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28 Products found

  1. Ruukki 175 Fix Breathable Diffusion Membrane | Diffusion films | Viss Online
  2. Tyvek Soft Diffusion Membrane with Microperforations | Diffusion films | Viss Online
  3. Siga Majcoat 150 Roofing Underlay | Diffusion films | Viss Online
  4. Siga Majvest Facade Windproof Membrane | Diffusion films | Viss Online

28 Products found


Diffusion membranes combine the properties of multiple films and are essentially composite membranes. These membranes simultaneously protect thermal insulation and wooden structures from water impact as a waterproofing material and from energy losses due to wind impact as wind insulation. The structure of these membranes allows water vapor to freely move outwards, but prevents moisture from the outside from entering the thermal insulation, thus ensuring its effective performance. Diffusion membranes can have two, three, or more layers. Two-layer membranes are less resistant to mechanical damage, so they require more attention during installation. Three-layer films are more durable, as the diffusion layer is covered with a special protective layer. Four-layer diffusion membranes are particularly durable, as they incorporate a special reinforcement during the manufacturing process. This gives the membrane additional strength and elasticity. High vapor diffusion is ensured by micro-pores with a diameter of 1-2 microns evenly distributed across the membrane surface.

Diffusion membranes are widely used in pitched roof structures, especially in attic conversions. The use of membranes is optimal for converting cold attics into attic rooms without altering the existing rafter structures. All diffusion membranes can be used as wind insulation films. Diffusion membranes are applied tightly to the thermal insulation layer, with overlaps of 10-15 cm. It should be noted that diffusion membranes are applied with the colored side facing upwards. However, if the roof slope is less than 25%, the overlap areas must be sealed with frost and moisture-resistant adhesive tapes to ensure optimal use of the membrane.

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