
Viedais Sensors Fibaro Door Window Sensor Black (FGDW-002-3 ZW5)

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Viedais Sensors Fibaro Door Window Sensor Black (FGDW-002-3 ZW5)
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70.000+ PRECES

Produkta informācija

Door Window Sensor
Durvju atvēršanas sensori, Logu atvēršanas sensori
Pie durvīm, Pie logiem
Savietojamība ar viedtālruņa/planšetdatora aplikāciju
Jā (Tikai ar Home Center vadības centru)
Vadība ar datora aplikāciju
Jā (Tikai ar Home Center vadības centru)
Aplikācijas nosaukums
YUBII Home Center
Attālinātās vadības funkcija
Nepieciešams vadības centrs
Vadības centra modelis
Fibaro Home Center, Fibaro Home Center 2, Fibaro Home Center 3, Yubii Home
Operētājsistēmu atbalsts
iOS, Android
Z-Wave protokols
Z-Wave+ protokols
Zigbee protokols
Savietojamība ar tehnoloģijām/sistēmām
IFTTT, Home Center, SmartThings, Vera, Homey, Google Home, Amazon Alexa
Savietojamība ar balss asistentu
Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Samsung Bixby
Jeweller protokols
Baterijas (Nav komplektā)
Uztveršanas rādiuss iekštelpās (m)
Uztveršanas rādiuss ārtelpās (m)
LED gaisma, Push paziņojumi, Skaņas signāls
Sensora tips
Baterijas darbības laiks
Līdz 2 gadiem
Bojājumu noteikšana
Darba temperatūra (°C)
Augstums (cm)
Dziļums (cm)
Platums (cm)

Papildus apraksts

The most compact size
The FIBARO Door/Window Sensor is the best designed and the smallest contact and temperature sensor available on the market. Its miniature dimensions and unusual lightness makes it almost invisible on your window frames and doors.

The perfect combination of 4 features
The FIBARO Door/Window sensor combines many features that let you increase your comfort and safety.

  • Contact sensor
  • Tamper protection
  • Temperature sensor
  • An element of the security system

Hundreds of places, dozens of uses
The FIBARO Door/Window Sensor seamlessly fits into any interior design and, most importantly, is simple to install. There are many places where such a sensor would be very useful - find them all!

  • Roof windows
  • Main doors
  • Garage doors
  • Windows
  • Doors
  • Safety gates

Works with HomeKit
We have created a special series of the FIBARO Door/Window Sensors which work with Apple HomeKit. The devices are equipped with all the features of the standard sensors which are intended for use in the FIBARO System.

You will never forget to close a window
A house equipped with the FIBARO Door/Window Sensors will remind you about open windows. It may do so when you’re about to leave for work, go to sleep, or when it looks like rain.

Welcome home!
You can use the FIBARO Door/Window Sensor as a scene activator. When placed by the main door, the sensor may launch a sequence which will greet the entering inhabitants.

Immediate notifications
You will know about every door or window which was left open by accident. The FIBARO Door/Window Sensor will send you information about it directly to your smart phone

Alarm notifications
The FIBARO System allows you to arm your devices. In case of tampering, an alarm scene will be activated and notification will be send.

Protection from tampering and damage
The FIBARO Door/Window Sensor will immediately inform you about any attempts to remove the sensor or open its case. You can be sure that you and your family are protected.

No time for surprises
Does it look like it’s going to rain? Is there a strong wind blowing? With FIBARO, none of the above are a problem! You can receive notifications about open windows even on Smart Watches.

The mysterious animal paths
A sensor placed by pet doors will let you monitor their activity at any time. If you’re worried about your furry friend, set a scene in which the system will automatically let you know when they leave or return.

Everything under control
The FIBARO Door/Window Sensor is also perfect as the guardian of the home first aid kit, the tools, or anything holding dangerous objects. If they are opened FIBARO will notify you.

Automatic control of the light
Places where the simplest way of turning on the light is opening the door will be perfect for the FIBARO Door/Window Sensor. After a set time it may turn off the lamp automatically to make sure you are not increasing your bill unnecessarily.

The safety of the youngest ones
The FIBARO Door/Window Sensor will be ideal in the role of a staircase gate guardian. When a gate is open for a longer while, the device will remind you to close it.

Choose the most convenient variant
We have created two lines of Door/Window Sensors - for the FIBARO system and a separate one for Apple HomeKit. If you own a FIBARO system or another one based on Z-Wave, choose a device designed to work with the technology. If you’re looking for a device for Apple HomeKit, choose the appropriate version.


Rakstīt atsauksmi par: Viedais Sensors Fibaro Door Window Sensor Black (FGDW-002-3 ZW5)